Data from telescopes have played a crucial role on the data analysis techniques developed in the 18th century. Internet and mobile devices play a similar role in the 21st century. Large amounts of astronomical data led scientists like Carl Friedrich Gauss, Pierre-Simon Laplace, and Siméon Denis Poisson to the development of data-driven methods, such as the method of least squares and the Poisson distribution. These methods not only revolutionized astronomy but also are used nowadays in various fields, such as physics, engineering, and economics. The development of these methods marked a significant shift in the scientific approach, enabling more rigorous analysis and interpretation of observational data. The integration of data and statistical methods laid the foundation for modern data science and statistics, demonstrating the power and versatility of data-driven approaches.
Back in the 18th and 19th century data collection was often limited to manual measurements or observations, and the amount of available data was typically much smaller compared to the massive datasets encountered in modern data science. Scientists like Gauss and Poisson often conducted carefully designed experiments, collected their own data, and performed manual calculations without the aid of computers or advanced statistical software. The focus of their work was often on theoretical developments in mathematics, physics and astronomy, and the data was used to test and validate their theories. Let’s consider one of those studies from early 18th century.
Example 11.1 (Boscovich and Shape of Earth) The 18th century witnessed heated debates surrounding the Earth’s precise shape. While the oblate spheroid model – flattened poles and bulging equator – held sway, inconsistencies in measurements across diverse regions fueled uncertainty about its exact dimensions. The French, based on extensive survey work by Cassini, maintained the prolate view while the English, based on gravitational theory of Newton (1687), maintained the oblate view.
The determination of the exact figure of the earth would require very accurate measurements of the length of a degree along a single meridian. The final answer to this debate was given by Roger Boscovich (1711–1787) who used geodetic surveying principles and in collaboration with English Jesuit Christopher Maire, in 1755, they embarked on a bold project: measuring a meridian arc spanning a degree of latitude between Rome and Rimini. He employed ingenious techniques to achieve remarkable accuracy for his era, minimizing errors and ensuring the reliability of his data. In 1755 they published “De litteraria expeditione per pontificiam ditionem” (On the Scientific Expedition through the Papal States) that contained results of their survey and its analysis. For more details about the work of Boscovich, see Altić (2013). Stigler (1981) gives an exhaustive introduction to the history of regression.
The data on meridian arcs used by Boscovich was crucial in determining the shape and size of the Earth. He combined data from five locations:
The arc length is measured in toises. A toise is a pre-metric unit of length approximately equal to 6.39 feet. It is clear from the table and from the table and from the plot that the the arc length goes up as the latitude increases and the relationship between the arc length and the sine squared of the latitude is approximately linear and the relationship is \[
\text{Arc Length} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \sin^2 \theta
\] where \(\theta\) is the latitude. Here \(\beta_0\) is the length of a degree of arc at the equator, and \(\beta_1\) is how much longer a degree of arc is at the pole. The question that Boscovich asked is how can we combine those five data points to estimate the parameters \(\beta_0\) and \(\beta_1\)? His first attempt to answer this question involved calculating ten slopes for each pair of points and then averaging them. The table below shows the ten slopes.
d =read.csv("../data/boscovich.csv")sl =matrix(NA,5,5)for (i in1:5) {for(j in1:(i-1)) { dx = d$sin2Latitude[i] - d$sin2Latitude[j] dy = d$ArcLength[i] - d$ArcLength[j] sl[i,j]=dy/dx }}rownames(sl) = d$Locationcolnames(sl) = d$Locationoptions(knitr.kable.NA ='')knitr::kable(sl, digits =4)
Ten slopes for each pair of the five cities from the Boscovich data
Cape of Good Hope
Cape of Good Hope
Ten slopes for each pair of the five cities from the Boscovich data
Ten slopes for each pair of the five cities from the Boscovich data
The average of the ten slopes is 0.0667. Notice the slope between Cape of Good Hope and Rome is negative. This is due to the measurement error. Boscovich then calculated an average after removing this outlier. The average of the remaining nine slopes is 0.078. In both cases he used length of the arc at Quito as estimate of the intercept \(\beta_0\). Figure 11.1 (a) shows the line that corresponds to the parameter estimates obtained by Boscovich. Figure 11.1 (b) is the same plot but with the modern least squares line.
(a) Boscovich’s first attempt to estimate the parameters
(b) Modern least squares approach
Figure 11.1: Comparison of Boscovich’s first attempt to estimate the parameters and the modern least squares approach
This is a very reasonable approach! However, Boscovich was not satisfied with this approach and he wanted to find a better way to combine the data. He was looking for a method that would minimize the sum of the absolute deviations between the data points and the fitted curve. Two years later he developed a pioneering technique called “least absolute deviations,” which revolutionized data analysis. This method, distinct from the prevalent “least squares” approach, minimized the sum of absolute deviations between data points and the fitted curve, proving particularly effective in handling measurement errors and inconsistencies.
Armed with his meticulous measurements and innovative statistical analysis, Boscovich not only confirmed the oblate spheroid shape of the Earth but also refined its dimensions. His calculations yielded a more accurate value for the Earth’s equatorial radius and the flattening at the poles, providing crucial support for Newton’s theory of gravitation, which predicted this very shape.
Motivated by the analysis of planetary orbits and determining the shape of the Earth, later in 1805, Adrien-Marie Legendre (1752 - 1833) published the first clear and concise explanation of the least squares method in his book “Nouvelles méthodes pour la détermination des orbites des comètes”. The method of least squares is a powerful statistical technique used today fit a mathematical model to a set of data points. Its goal is to find the best-fitting curve that minimizes the sum of the squared distances (a.k.a residuals) between the curve and the actual data points. Compared to the approach proposed by Boscovich, the least squares method is less robust to measurement errors and inconsistencies. However, from computational point of view, it is more efficient and there are various algorithms exist for efficient calculation of curve parameters. This computational efficiency is crucial for modern data analysis, where datasets can be massive and complex, making least squares a fundamental tool in statistics and data analysis, offering a powerful and widely applicable approach to data fitting and model building.
Legendre provided a rigorous mathematical foundation for the least squares method, demonstrating its theoretical underpinnings and proving its optimality under certain conditions. This mathematical basis helped establish the credibility and legitimacy of the method, paving the way for its wider acceptance and application. Legendre actively communicated his ideas and collaborated with other mathematicians, such as Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), who also contributed significantly to the development of the least squares method. While evidence suggests Gauss used the least squares method as early as 1795, his formal publication came later than Legendre’s in 1809. Despite the delay in publication, Gauss independently discovered the method and applied it to various problems, including celestial mechanics and geodesy. He developed efficient computational methods for implementing the least squares method, making it accessible for practical use by scientists and engineers. While Legendre’s clear exposition and early publication brought the least squares method to the forefront, Gauss’s independent discovery, theoretical development, practical applications, and contributions to computational methods were equally crucial in establishing the method’s significance and impact. Both mathematicians played vital roles in shaping the least squares method into the powerful statistical tool it is today.
Another French polymath Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749 - 1827) extended the methods of Boscovich and showed that the curve fitting problem could be solved by ordering the candidate slopes and finding the weighted median. Besides that Laplace made fundamental contributions to probability theory, developing the Bayesian approach to inference. Most of the work of Laplace was in the field of celestial mechanics, where he used data from astronomical observations to develop mathematical models and equations describing the gravitational interactions between celestial bodies. His analytical methods and use of observational data were pioneering in the field of celestial mechanics. Furthermore, developed methods for estimating population parameters from samples, such as the mean and variance and pioneered the use of random sampling techniques, which are essential for ensuring the validity and generalizability of statistical inferences. These contributions helped lay the foundation for modern sampling theory and survey design, which are crucial for conducting reliable and representative studies. Overall, Laplace’s contributions to data analysis were profound and enduring. His work in probability theory, error analysis, sampling methods, and applications significantly advanced the field and laid the groundwork for modern statistical techniques. He also played a crucial role in promoting statistical education and communication, ensuring that these valuable tools were accessible and utilized across various disciplines.
Boscovich used what we call today a linear regression analysis. This type of analysis relies on the assumption that the relationship between the independent (arc length) and dependent (sinus squared of the latitude) variables is linear. Francis Galton was the person who coined the term “regression” in the context of statistics. One of the phenomena he studied was the relationship between the heights of parents and their children. He found that the heights of children tended to “regress” towards the average height of the population, which led him to use the term “regression” to describe this phenomenon. Galton promoted a data-driven approach to research that continues to shape statistical practice today. Furthermore, he introduced the concept of quantiles, which divide a population into equal-sized subpopulations based on a specific variable. This allowed for a more nuanced analysis of data compared to simply considering the mean and median. He also popularized the use of percentiles, which are specific quantiles used to express the proportion of a population below a certain value.
Galton used regression analysis to show that the the offspring of exceptionally large or small seed size of sweet peas from tended to be closer to the average size. He also used it for family studies and investigated the inheritance of traits such as intelligence and talent. He used regression analysis to assess the degree to which these traits are passed down from parents to offspring.
Galton’s overall approach to statistics was highly influential. He emphasized the importance of quantitative analysis, data-driven decision-making, and empirical research, which paved the way for modern statistical methods and helped to establish statistics as a recognized scientific discipline.
Altić, Mirela Slukan. 2013. “Exploring Along the Rome Meridian: Roger Boscovich and the First Modern Map of the Papal States.” In History of Cartography: International Symposium of the ICA, 2012, 71–89. Springer.
Stigler, Stephen M. 1981. “Gauss and the Invention of Least Squares.”The Annals of Statistics, 465–74.